1. What will the District cost me?
The proposed district will need adequate revenue to cover the administrative costs of operation including management, legal, and engineering activities as well as specific program costs. The costs of these activities are estimated in the range of $400,000 to
$500,000 per year. This is supported by recent costs experienced in the recent creation of the San Antonio Basin Water District.
Click here to view District Budget Estimate First Year of Operations
To cover these costs, an initial assessment will be needed by the landowners. The initial assessment would be a “not to exceed” dollar amount that takes into account the land use type and irrigated vs non-irrigated.
Currently under consideration, an annual assessment of up to $20 per acre for irrigated parcels; up to $1 per acre for non-irrigated agricultural parcels; up to $400 per parcel for commercial and industrial designated parcels; up to $50 per unit for single family residential parcels; and up to $25 per unit for multi-family residential parcels. This would generate $514K.
Click here to view Assessment Rates and Revenue
Parcels that contain more than one land use would be assessed at the rates identified for each of the uses.
Ultimately, the assessment would be set by the elected Board of Directors subject to possible protest of the landowners. (See #6 Below)
2. What is the Boundary of the Proposed District?
The boundary follows the Alexander Valley Groundwater Basins, excluding the uplands in the Chalk Hill area and tribal lands. (The Basin corresponds with the valley floor) View Map here.
3. What will the District do for me?
The largest benefit to the landowners in Alexander Valley is the creation of an entity that will have the legal standing to participate in any regulatory proceeding impacting water reliability in the Valley including, but not limited to, ongoing diversion of water from the Eel River into the Russian River through the diversion being decommissioned by PG&E. The district would also have the legal standing to acquire water supply from a new Eel River diversion for the specific benefit of Alexander Valley.
Additional benefits include the administration of the water sharing efforts during periods of water shortage; participation, influence and management of groundwater investigation and management associated with a Groundwater Sustainability Agency for Alexander Valley; and participation and management of groundwater recharge programs.
4. How will I be impacted in the absence of a Water District?
Significant regulatory decisions affecting the availability and cost of water in Alexander Valley are being considered now by federal, state, and local agencies that do not represent the Alexander Valley. Alexander Valley is facing a real risk that water rights and supply will be impaired. A new water district representing Alexander Valley is the only assurance that we will have a voice in the decision making.
5. How will the District protect my current water rights?
The creation of a water district will not impact anyone’s existing water rights. An express purpose of the district will be to protect and enhance landowner’s existing water rights by improving the reliability of the existing water supply.
6. How will the District be governed?
The district will be formed and governed by the landowners in Alexander Valley. There are four significant steps to initiate the district:
The first step is the petition process for LAFCO review that requires the owners of 50.1% of the acres within the boundary to sign petitions requesting an election to form the District.
The second step is an election by mail to form the District. The ballot will be sent to all landowners within the district boundary District and the District will be formed if a majority of acres voting support formation.
The third step is the election of the five-member Board of Directors that will be held by mail concurrently with the formation election and elected by a majority of the acres voting. Eligible directors include landowners and their legal representatives. Interested persons must submit nominations to be included on the ballot.
The fourth is a Prop 218 Assessment that will be initiated by the new Board of Directors. An assessment is not approved if protested by owners of a majority of the land value.